5-Day Google Ads Bootcamp

Discover the Secrets Behind Profit-Driven Advertising on Google

Join The 16,898 Marketers, Entrepreneurs And Business Owners Who Turn To Data Driven To Help Them Get Better PPC Results!

In this 5-day training program, you'll discover the proven process Jeff Sauer used to generate over 1 million leads, and more than a billion dollars in revenue from Google Ads

What's the #1 reason you want to advertise on Google? To make money, right? You want to turn internet searchers into leads, customers, and profits.

Well, I have Good and Bad news for you.

On average, every dollar spent on Google Ads results in $2.55 back to the advertiser.

Google Ads ROI

Now, you might be thinking, "That's great all I have to do is pump money into Google ads, and I'll get a 155% return on my investment."

Unfortunately... its that's not that easy.

The majority of advertisers are actually losing money on Google.

By and large, it's experienced advertisers working a system who are generating profits on Google Ads. And these pros are doing much better than a 155% return on ad spend (ROAS). They are making back 5 to 10X their investment.

So how can you learn the skills the pros are using and start generating 5 to 10X results from every dollar you spend with Google?

Well, that's what you're going to discover in our Google Ads Bootcamp.

In this training, I am going to share what I've learned over a decade of PPC ( pay-per-click) advertising on Google.

Together we'll walk step-by-step through the fundamentals behind the system I've developed for profit-driven advertising.

This system has been proven out over $20 million in ad spend and has resulted in more than a billion dollars in revenue for my clients.

Outperform the averages and generate 5 to 10X returns on Google Ads

Here are just a few of the advertising secrets you'll uncover in this Google Ads Bootcamp:

  • How to project realistic, yet profitable advertising targets for your budget
  • How to use the Million Dollar Ads Tool
  • The winning account structure that Google doesn’t want you to know about
  • How to find hidden, low-cost keywords that convert
  • The ONE THING that leads to PPC success

You’ll also get these awesome resources:

  • The Data-Driven Google Ads Goals Projection Model
  • The Google Ads Profit-Driven Budget Calculator
  • The 10-Minute Google Ads Account Audit Checklist

Join the Profit-Driven Google Ads Bootcamp Today!

5-Day Google Ads Bootcamp

Master the profit-driven Google Ads system

What you get: 

  • Five Lesson on profit-driven PPC advertising
  • Three resources that will help increase you Google Ads ROI
  • A complimentary account on our Data Driven training platform
  • One hidden bonus when you complete our program

Today's Price $199

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Who is Jeff Sauer?

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